In episode 3 of our cinematic documentary series, Meet The Makers, we invite you to discover the man behind the iconic and longest established bespoke tailors of Soho, Chris Kerr.
Joining his father’s business that has been in Berwick Street since 1960, explore Kerr’s passion for the art of tailoring and love of working in Soho.
Watch as Kerr delves into the importance of custom-made suits in the 60s and let in on what film and entertainment stars have passed through his doors and into his suits.
Ever wondered about the process behind bespoke tailoring, and what it is about the fabric shops of Berwick Street - such as Misan Fabrics and The Cloth House - that makes Soho such a pivotal location for tailoring? Watch the video below to find out now.
Catch up on the series here and Meet The Makers of Soho Bikes and Ember Yard.
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